Lands of Tyranny

Day 21 of The Centaur, Year 417
Magic and Rituals
Guide to Magic System
Quick Spells reference list

How to make a ritual - Quick Guide
Fill in the following form, explaining in clear and brief details every part, and submit this before you actually Roleplay the ritual. The more in advance you are, the faster the Narration response will be.
As soon as you Roleplay the ritual, take Screenshots of the ritual and only of the ritual.
Please edit your Screenshots to highlight the relevant parts of the ritual, for example just using Paint to draw red ellipses around the text, draw arrows, or lines that underlining the text, or anything else that will help Narrators navigate the Screenshots.
Whenever posting, keep in mind that narrators have at least a dozen of posts like yours every week, on top of other narration things. They must be able to read your ritual without being outright scared by the walls of text they have to navigate.
Name of the Ritual:
Deity being called upon:
Ritualist Name:
Aim of the Ritual:
Give both an IC aim from the point of view of your character, and an OOC aim of what -you-, player, hope to obtain with this ritual.
Be very specific and keep it brief, please. Bullet points or written reasoning are fine, but the clearer your expectations and the context are for narration, the better prepared the ritual outcome can be.
Experience with rituals and other relevant information:
Are they a demon, a chosen of a deity, or did they do stuff that may offend the specific deity that is being called?
Occult Knowledge skill:
Please both show:
Occult Knowledge points invested
Occult Knowledge total (points invested + intelligence + other modifiers)
Most notable recent actions of your character, and overall current drives:
e.g.: they are a criminal or lawful; they are violent or peaceful; they are chaste or promiscuous; they cause harm or help person or category X; they are driven by vengeance/altruism/fear/obedience/will to power/faith, etc...
Please be very schematic.
Other characters present:
Sacrifice / Offering:
Attach a screenshot of the Events Logs, after you threw the item on the ground and let it despawn.
In case of 'made up' items you acquired or made via RP, please attach a screenshot of how you acquired such item, or at least, clearly sum up what they are, and the RP around these. In case of written books or notes, please attach a screenshot of the text they contain.
Place and condition where the ritual will happen:
Location, light condition, anything else special about the place
Ritual itself:
How should the ritual happen? e.g. ritual words, gestures, symbols that must be used of pronounced in a certain specific way and order, sounds that must be played, candles or circles to be drawn in specific ways, etc...
Be short and to the point.
Please keep in mind that while Narrators will check and likely skim through the Screenshots, to make sure that there have been no great changes from the description of the Ritual provided above, and to make sure that no gross mistakes are made, things will be judged mostly according to this Form.
Should they find it necessary, Narrators might also further investigate the previous RP and actions or drives of your character.
Silly example: if your character is a follower of Lilith that nurtures beastkins with the goal to have them rape the maximum number of innocent women possible, the outcome of your ritual might be greatly influenced by this.
Example ritual:Evil Eye
Author: Rashan