Lands of Tyranny
Day 14 of The Dancers, Year 417
FAQ: Races
Races/Characteristics doc:
Perks & Weaknesses doc:
Every surface race speaks Common by default
Every Underworld race speaks Vulgar Ilthirri by default
To speak in another language known by your character, please set it in the bottom left of the Tot Chat!
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Ogroid (spoken only), Fae (spoken only), Beastkin (not technically a proper language, spoken only), Vulgar Ilthirri, High Ilthirri, Tlatlacahan (Serpentmen)
Rare / Monstrous Races:
Some monstrous races might be available upon strict Staff approval, and are limited to the current overall population.
Character Registration How-to:
This must be done through our Discord, but you can read more about the process here.
Everyone is supposed to have read the lore at least of their own race!
To help creating a more immersive universe, races are allowed to clan up only with certain other races, and in some cases they are restricted to settling in certain environments.
The 'compatible' racial groups are:
Humans, Elves, Dwarves
Beastkin, Ogroids,
Ilthir, Quathili, Tlatlacah
In some cases, certain characters can apply for the possibility to clan up with other races during character creations, or this possibility will be automatically granted by Narrators in case of certain factions.
Notable cases might be Ogroids with certain non-Empire Human factions, or working as long term hired mercenaries. Faefolk with Elves who refuse to accept Human rule.
Any race can clan up with any other race if playing a long term prisoner or slave.
It will be required for the prisoner/slave to actually RP a prisoner or a slave: a loving relationship between two individuals into bdsm does not count, and in some cases it might bring to a staff action for Lore-breaking. Any case of clanning for long term captivity reasons will need a ticket to be opened, stating the person who is being taken captive, and by which clan/faction.
For some races / factions, slavery is forbidden by IC laws. Everyone can RP owning a slave, but in a society where this is forbidden, you might suffer the consequences if you are discovered.
What races are allowed or 'tolerated' by default in a 'Hub' ?
Tolerated: Any
Human Hubs
Accepted: Humans; Elves; Dwarves
Tolerated / Depending on characters: peaceful, civil looking Orcs
Attack on sight (= 'No value of life' if not hidden): anything else
Underdark / Ilthir Hubs
Accepted: Ilthir; Quathili; Tlatlacah
Tolerated / Depending on characters: peaceful; civil looking Goblins and Orcs; Underdark Faefolk; Ilthirri Slaves.
Attack on sight (= 'No value of life' if not hidden): anything else
Jungle / 'Rebels' Hub
Accepted: Elves; Faefolk; Dwarves
Humans not bearing symbols of the Empire; (peaceful, civil looking) Ogroids.
Tolerated / Depending on characters: Ilthir, Tlatlacah, and Quathili (only if keeping their identities not obvious, with at least a hood or equivalent), goblins, ogres
Attack on sight (= 'No value of life' if not hidden): anything else
The Guard Rule always applies, meaning that a Hub can also be infiltrated with appropriate Stealth rolls (Difficulty 18 by default)
"Can I play an elf that has black skin and white hair? ..A librarian beastman? ..An inquisitor that is for racial and gender equality and religious tolerance? ..a fireball throwing wizard?"
No. Characters that are obvious attempts at mimicking other races look, but ignoring their Lore, or that are simply completely outside of the Lore, are not going to be accepted. To make a world consistent and plausible, some limits need to be accepted.
Can I keep my character of a rare, number restricted race, even if I play it very little?
In general, no.
These characters are often in high demand, and keeping the slot occupied if a player logs in on their character once every two weeks could prevent someone from playing their favorite concept.
.Please do not take characters that are heavily restricted if you do not plan to play them.
As Staff, we also keep an eye the activity of these characters, and we may ask players to give up their slots to other if they lose interest in their character (of course in case of vacations or specific reasons for a prolonged absence this would not make you lose 'the rights' over such character)
Shapeshifting (Faefolk, Demons, Monstrous Races)
Shapeshifting is the natural ability of these creatures to change the shape of their bodies. As such, the clothes a shapeshifter is wearing will not change according to their shape, nor 'merge' into their shape.
You don't have to RP being fully naked. The vast majority of beasts can easily carry a (very) small bundle of clothes. This does however reflect the fact that Fae-Folk often wear simple clothes and rugs, some remaining semi-naked.
No character can pick a lock while in animal form, or perform other things that would be impossible without the use of hands.
Can I create a character that starts as "partly corrupted by Faefolk" or "fleshcrafted" to have altered bodies?
No, that mechanics is thought to be something interesting happening In Game during your RP, not to be assigned since character creation.
Can I start as a Vampire / Lycanthrope?
Yes. As long as this characters are not currently locked. Please inquire with a Character Creation Ticket before submitting this or any other character that requires a restricted slot.
Can my character have glowing eyes?
The only characters that are can have glowing eyes are characters with Darkvision. Their eyes can (or not) glow, up to a certain threshold determined already in the ToT system.
What about Demons?
Fire Demons in their demon form and Light Demons are supposed to have glowing eyes.
Other Demons may have glowing eyes only in their Demon form.
Who can have IC knowledge about Demons, Monsters, or other rare creatures?
Only Inquisitors, a Sage (as in Khemani), or a cultured Ilthir Scribe can have some knowledge about Demons, if they want. Otherwise, any knowledge about demons is illegal and its possession, and even more so sharing, might bring the attentions of the Inquisition.
Otherwise, only characters that In Game (IG) had access to specific RP Items (books) about Demons or other creatures, can have knowledge about them.
The only other way to know something about these legendary creatures is to learn from in game experience.
Common people already are unlikely to ever have seen anything uncommon outside of the outskirts of their town and village, let alone know something about rare creatures.
If your character is one of these 'rare creatures' and spreads secret knowledge about their own kin, their weakpoints, and other thing to anyone that is not very intimate with them, chances are that they will be marked for either No Value for Live (NVL) or as a High Risk character.
(See and for more info)
Flying: what can I lift while flying?
The few rare flying characters can lift other players only with mutual consent, however, there are a few extra limits to respect:
Neither the flying creature nor the creature lifted can wear more than a Light Armor, nor they can carry a large quantity of resources (give or take, no more than what allowed by the thieving rules). The character being carried can not be larger/taller/heavier than the character carrying them, independently from the strength of the flying character.
The flying creature can not carry another character with the purpose of both of them entering a settlement to commit an act of antagonism, as to be coherent with the first simple consent rule, this would also require the consent of every single inhabitant of that settlement, and even of eventual visitors.
Flying and tracking
A flying creature can not be tracked unless with mutual agreement. This however does not mean that they should not leave a PoI, likely writing something about some traces they left in the place they visited. There is however one exception to this: a character that is being carried by a flier, will cause both characters to be trackable. ICly, the more low altitude flying might leave some scent, or perhaps the effort might make the flier lose some feathers or fur, or some small pieces of cloth might remain stuck in tree branches and such.
Flying: can I drop someone to their death?
As with any case of potentially deadly RP, either open a PK ticket, or, if you want to go for a L4D, never write an emote that leaves the other character no chance of survival. Dropping someone on a rocky terrain from very high up is unlikely to be survivable. Make sure to drop them either near the water, near a 'dark abyss', or on a forest, on snowy terrain, where survival is a bit more plausible.
Can a character be pregnant from another? ...and pregnancy related questions
All pregnancy RP is opt-in, and many races are not compatible with each other.
Please check this chart if interested:
​How long do I RP a vampire's bite wound?
3-7 RL days