Lands of Tyranny
Day 20 of The Black Eye, Year 415
Beastkins, also called Chimerae, and referring to themselves simply as ‘The People’ are a savage, feral, violent race of beast-like creatures living in a primitive society that resembles the dynamics of a pack. Their looks can vary wildly, but in general they look like bestial humanoids resembling odd mixes of giant rats, bulls, goats, or other twisted, ape-like creatures.
They do not think the same way humans do. As wild yet sapient creatures, their experience of the world is extremely visceral and sensory-related. They consider themselves apex predators and take great pride and satisfaction in their ability to stalk, hunt, subdue, and kill creatures of all types, humanoids included. However, they form strong emotional ties with their own kith, and will still express a full range of complex, intense feelings within their bestial speech, from thrill to fury to easy-going contentment.
Contrary to common human belief, they are not simple beasts capable of only grunting and bleating, but instead Beastkins can not only understand common language, but speak it as well. Their attempts to mimic the common Imperial language are, however, guttural with only a marginal attempt at grammar for clarity.
The rumors about them are however not entirely false, since sounds are for them as important as words respect to the meaning a Beastkin wants to convey. Their speech is simple, it lacks the use of elaborate words, sentences are often short, and they use third person to speak of themselves. They never use metaphors, it's a guttural and pragmatic language.
Beastkins have a complex social structure and rich traditions when examined more closely. The most important of these are rites which celebrate the coming of age, honor hunting, the making of a new shaman, and calling the tribe to a warpath. Strength, dominance, and the ability to provide for the tribe are all that matters for Beastkins to prove themselves.
Chimerae are typically divided into several tribes, each tied to a specific land and territory, which, even for those tribes that are nomadic, is considered as being strongly connected to them and theirs to occupy and rule by right. A tribe is typically led by their strongest member called the 'Primal', its rank won through strength and shows of dominance and just as often lost the same way.
While Beast tribes are often led by males due to the fact that they are typically larger and more aggressive, it’s not completely unheard of for a female to lead smaller hunting packs within the larger tribes.
Tribal roles
In general, there are several roles in the tribe:
Primal: The leader of a Beast tribe. This rank is won and defended through vicious bloodshed and fights for dominance rather than birthright. Many Alphas may exist within a single tribe, but only one can rise above the others as Primal.
Alpha: Head of a hunting pack within the tribe.
Bolverk: The ranking second-in-command of a Beast pack. The Bolverk's primary responsibility is to enforce order and obedience within the tribe and carry out the Primal's commands. Bolverks are also the Shamans of the Tribe, or at least the 'wise member'. They often lead rites, understand the needs of the Forces that serve The Rot, and overall take care of the health of the tribe, whether that be mending torn flesh and broken bones, or council and negotiations.
Caitiff: Outcasts and Beasts who somehow became weak, they are rarely kept in a tribe, often they are exiled or left to die of hunger, their corpses then sacrificed to the Rot.
Beastkins have no respect nor fear of any of the gods or of what is claimed as being supernatural, as they lack the notion of fearing, respecting or bowing to a person or entity that is never seen in the flesh. For the same reason they would never swear fealty nor bow to the Emperor, nor any other figure of command they do not see in person, and due to their looks, they would not find most other creatures scary. Certainly though, things would change if such things could manifest very physically in front of them.
They revere what they can see like the forces of nature, and the prime in these forces, being The Rot, a chaotic entity that essentially represents nature itself and the inevitable destiny of everything and everyone.
To become Primal, a Beastkin can challenge the current one, it is a sacred ritual that no leader can avoid.
First, however, the challenger needs to prove their strength hunting a dangerous creature or foe chosen by the Bolverk, challenging a Primal is not something anyone should be able to do indeed. Previous Primals, or defeated challengers can't try to take the position again, usually, as the defeat is a stain that cannot be canceled. Past Primals are not killed and are still watched with respect, their word in matters of war has a higher value than the average warrior.
Beastkins revere and fear strength, even of their foes. Fear is a basic instinct, something beasts know well, more than civilized people, they can... smell it. And they are able to use it to their own advantage. They are primitive but cunning, enjoying submitting their enemies to a display of their dominance and breaking their will.
They often rage on the weakest, and use that as punishment for the more dangerous enemies, this is their way to exploit the weakness of civilization and the moral system that they have developed.
Chimerae like to toy with the mind of their prisoners, torturing, beating and humiliating them, bringing their feeble minds into degradation until they submit to their new role in life: generally the one of toy and breeding stock for females, and the one of toy and cheap work force for males, at least for as long as they can survive in that state. They still feed them and give them tasks, making them go through grim trials: forcing a life of misery upon them, something they would rarely fully recover from.
Indeed, there has been accounts of some that managed to escape after longer periods that have struggled to adapt to their previous life, and sometimes were even unable to recognize their past friends and acquaintances.
A creature that shows their strength, someone who succeeds every trial and withstands torture, may be seen with a decent amount of appreciation by the tribe, and even tolerated between them, even if never considered a true member of The People.
Sexual characteristics and behavior
For Chimerae sex itself doesn't matter, what matters is strength. This means a female Primal is not impossible, but very a rare sight: first, females usually have lower size and strength, though this is not a strict rule. Second and most important, despite pregnancy being seen as an important tool to make the tribe stronger, it makes women weak and vulnerable to other predators, as well as to other Beastkins, who would take advantage of the female’s state to assert dominance over her. The fights that happen between individuals, even pregnant ones, cause a very high rate of abortion, making female infertile in the long term.
For this reason, females of other races are used as breedstock to increase the numbers of the tribe and are in practice the main source of new breed. Indeed, the corrupted blood of Chimerae is able to impregnate any female creature that is fertile, and to generate another corrupted offspring after some very short pregnancies.
When it comes to choosing females to continue their species, some of them especially seek the cunning, strong, or stealthy among the potential targets. They may spend days to weeks to months scouting for a potential very successful breeding partner, engaging in combat with them only to flee or simply watching them from afar.
They would not want their breeding partner to die if this could be avoided (though likely would not care after they have given birth) and though rarely, some Beastkins as part of their feral nature may leave their potential partners some "gifts" before proceeding to breed them. Such gifts often perceived as threats such as dead humans or dead animals either freshly hunt or even in state of decay, or simply, insistingly peeing or otherwise marking a female's door.
Chimerae are usually monogamous within the tribe, but breeding other races is not seen as a lack of respect to their partner. Females of other races could never be seen as partners, they have no jealousy for them and can be used by any Beastkin for pleasure. Rarely a Primal can choose a female, the wife of a great defeated foe for example as a personal toy.
Chimerae do not have a real concept of slavery, however their prisoners are something that reminds of that.
They are used in many ways, commonly for breeding and hard labor, and they usually have a short life, dying under the continuous mistreatment. But the greatest
fun for Beastkins comes from the relentless work on their mind, a true brainwashing that deletes any sanity and memory of their previous lives until they regress into a primordial state. Rarely they are used as ransom or to trade with other races such as Ogroids and Ilthir.
Tribal life
Beastkins usually have a shorter lifespan than humans, they can live up to around 50 years, but in reality they usually die younger, fighting. They have no parental instinct, every Chimerae's child is a child of the tribe, there's no heredity and no succession, the offspring of a strong Primal will receive the same treatment as anyone else, getting respect only by showing their own prowess.
Kids reach adulthood around the age of 10. Old and weak Beastkins have the duty to raise the young ones, teaching about war, hunting, religion and artisanship, until they're ready to go through a ritual of Passage.
The Ritual of First Passage is something every Beastkin has to go through, and is also the reason why Beastkins population struggles increasing. They are forced to go through extreme painful tortures, trapped in harsh environments or sent to challenge the elements without equipment. Those who return victorious are granted their official place within the Tribe. In the rare cases in which failure doesn't mean death, young weak Chimerae are exiled, their back marked so that the other Tribes may know about it.
Living usually far from nourishing regions and due to their way of life, they have no agriculture nor herding and very only simple craftsmanship, they are hunter-gatherers, and mostly gather anything else through raiding civilized folk.
They however do practice trading, at least with those daring enough to approach them, and that do not live in the areas they consider their territory, or possibly even worse, hunting grounds. Their trade is therefore usually limited to happen with other tribes, or Ogroids for basic materials, and sometimes with Dark Elves, exchanging prisoners for weapons and items, these trades being often unconventional, due to the very different value Ilthir and Chimerae attribute to objects, or even lives.
Most of the Tribes live in the Wastelands and the Marshes, however, Beastkins can live almost anywhere, the only regions they tend to despise and avoid unless out of necessity are the snowy ones, since cold is an enemy of the Rot, preferring warm and humid places. Though tribes living in mountains and such are not unheard of.
them from making something that lasts in time. Camps are usually quickly erected around a cave when possible and are used for some weeks. They are surrounded by spikes in many layers, rotting hulks and corpses are left impaled or in the moats between one layer and another. In the center of the camp there are crude tents and campfires. Any tool of preservation for food is considered blasphemous, the stench of meat, blood, decomposition and feces fills the air. The inner layer in the center of the camp or inside the cave when present is where the Primal lives and makes its decisions. The waste and smell after a camp is dismantled can permeate the area even for months.
Every Tribe has a strong self-identity, they venerate different Forces as aspects of the Rot, and fight not just with civilised folk but with other tribes as well to show their superiority. Wars between tribes rarely end up with the annihilation of the loser, usually they are just eternal conflicts that see no winner. Though if that happens, the losing tribe gets absorbed by the winning one, their Primal is killed and its heart eaten by the prevailing tribe.
Killing another Primal or in general another Beastkin that is too weak is an act of respect, leaving them alive and marked as defeated is done when Beastkins show cowardice and is considered a worse fate than death.
Beastkins are not made to build cities nor even true villages, their warlike and hunting culture pushes them to move tirelessly, and the veneration of Rot forbids
Each tribe has different rituals and traditions, usually managed by the Bolverks.
Some examples can be:
Quicksands Tribe: Living in the Marshes, this Tribe often adopts stealthy guerilla tactics and ambushes. They are particularly bloodthirsty and sadistic. One of their favorite tortures is leaving their prisoners naked inside the quicksands, tied to ropes so that they don’t fall and suffocate for days without food or water.
Rivers Tribes: Usually small tribes spread into the whole empire, originating from one of the most powerful and large tribes in the past, now they are divided. They give great importance to honor and face their foes in the open field without fear. One of their preferred tortures is leaving their prisoners underneath a waterfall until the water breaks their bones and rots their flesh.
Other examples of Tribes: Thunder Tribe, Quicksands Tribe, Sandstorm Tribe, Tempest Tribe, Earthquake Tribe, Flood Tribe, Meteors Tribe, Volcano Tribe.
Every tribe considers one specific territory as their home, and they will do anything in their power to keep it as such, clean of any possible invader, and making sure that any of the few unfortunates that would live in their lands would be completely subjugated.
Each tribe also elects one or more 'hunting grounds': territories where they can hunt freely both game and other humanoids, as well as raid any existing settlement.
Chimerae, contrary to common believes, are actually able to keep some forms of agreements and even make temporary 'alliances' with other groups that live outside of the territory they claim as their own and their hunting grounds, if they feel this is necessary to defending their land, and maintaining their dominance over it. Their first choices would of course be other tribes, but going down in preferences, they are found to being rather
open when the topic is their home, having made agreements with Ogroids, Ilthir, and even some groups of bandits. Even the Empire has in the past made great use of this territoriality of Chimerae to convince them to fight a common enemy, only to later often turn on them.
Beastkins are savage, feral and violent twisted beast-like creatures who live in a primitive society that resembles the dynamics of a pack. Their appearance can vary wildly but in general they look like bestial humanoids resembling giant rats, bulls, goats or other, twisted, brutal creatures. Usually the bigger ones are the frontline warriors and become leaders, while the smaller can be scouts as fast as horsemen or skilled hunters.
Before the formation of modern organized human society and the armies that characterized it, packs of Beastkins lurked all around the continent, being the scourge of civilization.
After the Empire was created however the greater numbers, organization, and the use of specialized troops such as the Messalyan light cavalry slowly pushed them out of the borders, until they were segregated in the Marshes and Wastelands in the east. Here, the tribes started to fight each other, making that territory, of no interest to the Empire, theirs. While the Empire protects the border constantly, they never dare to forward into the Wastelands, since they don't want to break the balance that built naturally. If the Tribes had to join and attack together they might prove quite an issue for the bordering countries.
In the Black Dome Peninsula, since Beastkins never attack major settlements or conduct raids deep
into territories considered safe and far from mountains or other wilder areas, the rulers and councils of the Free Cities never deemed them too much of a threat, too busy on their family rivalries and competition between the various city states to really care about the small frontier villages that would suffer from their incursions.
Relations with other races
Beastkins are unlikely to have lasting peaceful relations with most race or even themselves. Their culture based on physical prowess, their often nomadic life style, and their great territoriality, makes them be often very aggressive towards their neighbors, or at least to constitute a looming threat. The division between the tribes as well as the organization of the Imperial Army is likely the only thing that stops these beasts from still be an issue in the countryside of most of the Continent.
Humans are considered their greatest foe, grudge and hatred are stirred up since they’re born, they represent everything that is wrong. Civilized, weak if taken individually, cowards, and strong only in packs.
Elves and Dwarves that live with humans are no more than ants and parasites, living off other creatures' strengths, they are greatly despised for their inherent weakness, they are deemed to be interesting only as some kind of easy, toy prey to train pups for hunting down other more dangerous humanoids. Their only use is of breeding stock.
On the other hand, those that live in small, isolated villages are at the same time between their favorite targets, especially when they happen to live in a territory that has been claimed as home ground of hunting grounds of a tribe.
Faefolks are the most fun creatures to torture and mutilate, Beastkins enjoy toying with them for months before getting tired of them and ultimately discarding them once they become boring or too broken. Often considered as far aberrated cousins that lost the strength and withered into twisted, the miserable creatures, they never get a real chance to earn respect.
Goblins are sometimes used as messengers or scouts, while Orcs can earn some respect from the Beastkins by proving their strength, their warlike culture is respected although not as much as other Beastkins, Orcs in fact are considered intrinsically weaker than them. Similarily for Ogres, even if their strength is recognized, their lack of hunting skill makes Beasts be confused about them.
Ilthir are often treated with a modicum of respect, called the Dark Ones or People of Below. Beastkins consider them somehow tied to the Force of Earth and dangerous, especially because of their ability to fight in the darkness being almost on par with the one of the smaller Beastkins. Even if being part of a highly civilized race, they are still reluctantly approached, often to offer slaves or killing tasks in exchange for better weapons and items. The trades between the Beasts and the Ilthir often end up with both parties thinking that they have tricked the other, since they give value to very different things.
How to play
Beastkins only partly share the same emotions as humans: they are part beasts, and follow mainly their primal instincts. They do have a societal structure however, similar to a hybrid between a pack of animals and a tribe. They will follow the strongest in the pack and the wisdom of their Bolverk. Beastkins disdain other races, thinking their ways to be only covering for their inherent weakness, with only some and moderate exceptions, such as usually Ogroids, and in minor part, Ilthir.
Establish a territory for your tribe to mark as their own for natural rights, subjugating any that live in that territory to your tribe wishes by having them submit, pay tribute, make sure they do not grow too strong, and that they remember who is in charge: these people will never be allies, for the territory must belong to the tribe, and to them alone, but be subjugated, treated essentially as a herd to be driven. Consider marking this Territory with some kind of small totems scattered at its borders (open a Narration ticket to inform of these decorations being left around) Establish one or more (suggested no more than three) territories as ‘hunting grounds’ where the tribe would conduct their hunts and raids. Consider agreements, trade and alliances with those outside of these territories, if they may be needed to protect what you consider your home.
Beastkins only partly share the same emotions as humans: they are part beasts, and follow mainly their primal instincts. They do have a societal structure however, similar to a hybrid between a pack of animals and a tribe. They will follow the strongest in the pack and the wisdom of their Bolverk. Beastkins disdain other races, thinking their ways to be only covering for their inherent weakness, with only some and moderate exceptions, such as usually Ogroids, and in minor part, Ilthir.
Beastkins are aggressive creatures, they love violence and showings of dominance or even just to smell the fear in the weaker races, raiding places they marked as hunting grounds to steal and destroy homes, to to kidnap women to use as breeding cattle or enslaving men for ransoms or just to entertain themselves with their tortures. Yet always leaving some of them behind so that they can reproduce and keep being their favorite prey, burning and festering their buildings and crops, and eating, or leaving the cattle to rot.
Beastkin are far from being just dumb beasts, they are cunning savages. Being wise hunters, they know that they must not hunt their prey to extinction, but instead leave their herds and targets weak and easy to prey upon when needed. Similarly, as any predator, they will focus on preying on the weak. They would rarely attack head on if they would spot a target that is clearly potentially dangerous, and resort instead to ambushes, taking advantage of the terrain, and other hunting tactics. They also know they can't stand against the entirety of the world, this is why they will limit their raids to specific territories and even agree to make alliances to protect themselves.
As predators, their favorite targets are those that appear the weakest: often Elves, Faefolk, as well as any living being that constitutes a good target in their hunting grounds. They are fringe hunters, staying away from mass settlements due to the large numbers they can bring against them. It is better to harry and harass than end up dead.
Rarely is a well-fought victim or precious stock killed. It is better to humiliate, mark, and slowly degrade them again and again. As time progresses, eventually breaking the victim down into a prey item worthy of the Rot, or into accepting their new roles.
Chimerae are primitive, stone-age like people living either in natural dwellings, modest, makeshift huts, or just out in the open: they are unable to build anything more than simply huts, and certainly not fortifications nor complex, well made objects such as (more than very rough, 'T1') doors, carts, or ships.
Note: For info about Territories, check the Conflict & RP Rules.
Chimerae are Beast-like creature of incredible physical prowess. Characteristics vary greatly by each Beastkins sub-type (see Table of racial characteristics)
Primitive: these characters have a very limited choice as far as professions
Languages: Common (barely), Beastkins (grunts and other beast-like sounds)
Height limits: greatly depend on the variant (see Table of racial characteristics)
Note: Only Stalker, Fast, and Harpy are available from Character Creation, others are obtained through 'Mutation'.
Note: Beastkin Hulks and Fierces compete against each other for supremacy: there can be only one Hulk and one Fierce in the same clan.
Beastkin Mutation
A Beastkin can become stronger with time, or even mutate significantly into a more deadly beast.
Only one mutation can ever be achieved and is selected from among:
Becoming a Beastkin: Hulk (and becoming a 'High Risk' character)
Becoming a Beastkin: Fierce (and becoming a 'High Risk' character)
Becoming a Beastkin: Chaser
Becoming a Beastkin: Crawler
Becoming a Beastkin: Manticore
To obtain a Mutation, you must have survived for at least 1 IRL month without being completely subjugated by others, and have done at least one of the following, or a combination of things described below:
1) Lead a Clan of 3+ active Beastkin not in service to another clan
2) Successfully conduct 2 Rituals to The Rot.
3) Complete 2 'Ritual Matings' as described in our Beastkin lore.
4) Select and 'herd' a specific prey group to cultivate a successful prey population in accordance with Beastkin lore.
Note: Ritual Mating is not random or senseless rape. A given Beastkin must locate a suitable mate who will obviously give the creature strong offspring (such as a skilled fighter or particularly impressive specimens of physical prowess or cunning). Once located, the Beastkin must court the target in an animalistic fashion through several different encounters, and then once the creature has "proven itself", it must claim and breed its chosen mate.
Note 2: Prey Groups are player groups like clans or villages who the Beastkin selects and becomes the nemesis of, but not with the intent of simply killing or raping specifically (though such may help to coerce the selected prey group into docility). Once a prey group has become acclimated to the presence or raiding of the Beastkin and has accepted their true place as the creature's prey (they have begun to offer regular tribute, assistance, or healing without resistance), then that prey group is considered to have been 'herded'. If a selected prey group offers little risk to the Beastkin (such as a clan of non-combatants) then more in-depth RP in keeping with Beastkin lore may be required to satisfy this requirement.
Authors: Rashan, Vlaek
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Note: This race is available only to players that have been actively playing in the server for at least one month in the past six months, due to the potentially highly antagonistic nature of these characters.
Note: This race is available only in limited number, open a Character Creation Ticket to ask Staff before submitting this character, as the availabilities for 'rare races' are displayed only once per week, in our Discord's📋changelog.