Lands of Tyranny
Day 15 of The Dancers, Year 417
The Dwarves average four to five feet in height (1.20-1.50m) with stout, broad bodies and fair skin. Dwarves are among the most resilient of all the known races. Their kin holds tradition like no other, and their feasts are the nexus of every cause for celebration. Together with the Elves, they have had their homes built in the lands that the Empire has conquered for hundreds of years, reigning dominant thanks to a vast trading and banking empire, and are renown for their rich mines, expert metalworking, and works of civil engineering.
Mer Maldur is currently the only non-human settlement within the Continent that can be called more than a village. Its fortress is said to have withstood several dozen sieges, has never been conquered before, and is known to be more durable than most keeps Humankind has produced. Mer Maldur is a symbol that perpetuates the belief that Dwarven architecture and crafts are the most durable and robust and that often granting Dwarves across the continent opportunities to partake in labor and craftsmanship of high-quality wares.
Dwarves tend to live longer than Humans, up to about 200-250 years. They reach their maturity relatively young, at about 20, while they have a very long and productive adulthood and old age. Their families also tend to be very numerous; most Dwarven families consist of anywhere from five to ten, although with quite the age difference, as Dwarven women require a period between a child and another of 5 to 10 years. Their physical characteristics are very similar to the ones of Humans, save for a shorter stature and slightly bulkier physique. Contrary to the racist stereotype that wants dwarven women to be very hairy and also have beards, they are not dissimilar to Humans also in that respect. Possibly because of their vicinity with caves, or perhaps due to other kinds of adaptations, they can see better
than other surface races in low light conditions, though they are far from being able to see in the dark.
Dwarves are mostly split between those living in human communities and those still residing in the mountainous regions that provide them unprecedented access to the many valuable mines of a varied range of ores. For this reason, it is inaccurate to talk about an uniform ‘society of Dwarves’, unless one refers to the very few and sparse settlements in the mountains around the Highlands.
Mer Maldur & the mountain Dwarves
Most of these Dwarves originate from their capital stronghold of Mer Maldur, a city built deep within the Western mountain range within the Heartlands, sheltered by natural terrain: it is said that no siege was ever attempted, as there is no room to build any machinery. The pathway up to the gates would leave any army exhausted and weary from travel. The town has never been officially annexed to the Empire, and many ask themselves why the Emperor did not simply destroy it with an Edict. Still, the most naive Dwarves take pretty some pride in naively boasting about their at least apparent independence.
However, the rare times these Dwarves move outside of their world, they are met with the harsh reality of being looked down upon not only physically; but realizing that the world they live in takes care of humans before others.
The Dwarves of Mer Maldur and other Dwarven city-states most commonly worship Khaddazar, the God of the Forge, Justice, and Bravery (by most accounts seen as at least very similar to Balthazar). Dwarves who live within the mountains and fortresses adjacent to Mer Maldur believe that Khaddazar forged the first Dwarves out of bronze and iron, finding in this a good cause for their stout constitution, resilience, and at least self-reported affinity with the metals.
Dwarves who live within these enclaves also pay their respects to Hastazzar (Astaroth), the God of Wisdom, Life, and Death- and in this, Dwarves often celebrate and pay their respects to Hastazzar by means of constructing grand crypts and mausoleums for those who have come and passed.
These Dwarves do well to preserve their culture, identity and traditions, and in this, have their own societal beliefs and structure; those of noble or illustrious origins which occupy a place of prestige will be sure to put their finest jewelry on display, clad themselves in armours adorned with rare gems and made of precious metals, and tend to have long braided beards, or for women, hair.
The Dwarves of the Mountains distrust both the Humans and the Ilthir, believing themselves worthy of their independence- too prideful to picking a side or offer their allegiance to either of the two more powerful races. Due to historic reasons, mostly for their constant incursions, and border disputes, these Dwarves keep a particular distaste towards Hymani and Highlanders, even more so if coming from noble families.
While almost each and every Dwarf from these settlements, and especially Mel Maldur, boast of their independence, and how it has been kept thanks to the spilled blood of their fathers and ancestors, and how the walls of their fortresses are so impenetrable that make them the only thing that has resisted the Empire, reality is, of course, more complex.
In the centuries, these Dwarven city states have been great mining centers, and with the spreading of Human settlements, it was Dwarves that introduced the use of coins. Naturally, with time, Dwarven precious ores, and minting skills, as well as the safety of their keeps and political stability, proved the perfect environment for the development of banks.
The riches and prosperity that these banks brought, generated an increase in the population of the Dwarves city states, but this, with time, became a double edged sword. Indeed, when Human kingdoms became
stronger, they started to realize how all of the Dwarven settlements, even if well protected, were extremely vulnerable to the simplest of weapons: hunger.
Having these ancient kingdoms a monopoly over the fertile lands outside of the mountains and valleys of the Dwarves, they started to weaponize hunger, a strategy that the Empire only had to maintain unaltered, to force the Dwarves into a peaceful and complete compliance, without the need to resort to actual fighting. It was ultimately a peaceful and even beneficial agreement: Dwarves would be complicit and not attempt to provoke the Humans, as well as to give access to the ores of their mountains, and grain and fruits would continue to flow in the opposite direction, a silent agreement, or mild form of subjugation or at least dependency, that has survived to this day, and has ultimately been the main reason of why these Dwarves have seriously attempted to protect their kins that decided to live elsewhere.
Dwarves within the Empire
The Dwarves that leave the protected enclaves of Mer Maldur and other connecting mountain city-states and live among Humans are treated much like elves, confined to jobs consisting of primarily manual labour in mines and forests, working as miners and lumberers, or in construction work, due to the reputation for their architectural works. More fortunate Dwarves are often allowed to learn skilled trades, such as smithing weapons and armor, while the ones that have been least fortunate in life are usually found to be working in 'forced labour camps'.
Similar to other non-Humans, Dwarves are forbidden from holding public office or obtaining any positions of high regard within Imperial Institutions. Dwarves are often bottle-necked and prevented from establishing their commercial enterprises through overbearing bureaucratic methods, such as licenses and permits, to encourage them to fall under Human-owned shops and companies, or might even see their entire enterprises be seized from them with false legal pretenses, assigned instead to human owners. Some Dwarves are aware of this, and even are very careful not to have their enterprise or activity, or even workshops, become too successful or gain enough reputation, wanting to avoid becoming the target for one of such requisitions, and see everything they built be taken from them.
Hard-working Dwarves who find themselves aligning with The Empire and The Three tend to worship Valthos, the God of Craftsmen and Duty; expanding upon this- Imperial Dwarves are even more racist towards Elves and Orcs than most Humans tend to be, taking stances even against their own Dwarven culture and language, in this- often trimming or outright shaving their beards right off. These Dwarves often find themselves a place within the Imperial Army as Foederati, joining units that specialize in heavy infantry, or forming logistic and engineering companies, and keeping public order among the lesser races.
Historically, Dwarven banks with roots in the mountain city-states spread far and wide in the entire Continent, until, at least, they started to be seized by some of the major pre-Empire kingdoms, and even more so by the Empire, under the powerless eyes of the Dwarven monarchs, forced to inaction due to their dependency to supplies of food from neighboring Human lands. The seizing of banks as businesses though, did not completely uproot the system of clients, contacts, and debtors that built around these institutions and their members over the centuries, it merely downscaled the volume of affairs, and pushed the business away from the watchful eyes of the authorities. It is like this that many Dwarves
slowly became loan sharks, and especially so at the expense of the least fortunate, first and foremost Elves, but also others of their own kind, and those Humans desperate enough to want to rely on some shady or deceivingly friendly non-human. The Dwarven loan shark, in some large ghettos at least, gradually rose to become full on mafias, and one of the most nasty ones, indiscriminately preying on and taking advantage of unfortunate people and desperation, independently from their race, background, or beliefs.
Outcasts and bandits
Dwarves born into the Empire as children of labourers who extend their regrets to their children tend to walk the line between societies. These Dwarves never genuinely find a place among their kin or Humanity and find themselves outcasted; they tend to establish criminal gangs and syndicates, often establishing encampments in abandoned buildings, ruined forts, forest refuges, caves and nooks that rest on the borders of the Surface and the Underworld, acting as brokers for the black market, dealing in trading sophisticated weaponry to orcs, goblins, and even sometimes, the Ilthir.
These Dwarves tend to worship deities least favored among Humanity as a means of spiritual rebellion, worshipping an array of deities their underworld connections will teach them about, such as Festum and Fortuna, relishing in excess, debauchery, games of fortune- and causing disruptions wherever they seek to.
The outcasted Dwarves are more willing to work alongside groups of Ogroids, sometimes even welcoming them into their gangs. However, these multi-racial gangs are often shattered by Imperials or varying Ilthir Authorities and their members are enslaved or forced into manual labour for the rest of their lives. Those who are successful, however, either join more organized, city mafias, or manage to retire and change their identities once benefiting enough from their criminal lifestyles, retiring in places with the least Imperial Authority, most recently being The Black Dome.
Relations with other races
While their relation with other races strongly depends on their specific background and to which of the three previously described groups they belong to, Dwarves tend to generally keep some distrustful distance with members of other races: be this outright and straightforward, if not even blunt, or keeping a fake smile of convenience. Dwarves living within Humans though, tend to be more pragmatic about their situation, trying to make the best of what they are given, and to gravitate towards isolation, and just trying to keep a low profile to go on with their lives. When confronted with abuse towards other non-humans, they often react with a sort of at least apparent -but often real- passive neutrality to it. They regard the Elves in particular often with pity or contempt, as folks that can not accept the harsh, but factual reality of the world they live in.
The historical presence of Dwarven mountain strongholds, and of dwarves as workers in mines, often makes them a little closer to the Underworld and its Ilthir inhabitants, granting the Dwarves with a role of some kind of intermediary, and an especially privileged position in the blackmarket business, or as simple back alley traders.
Dwarves do not see Ogroids too differently than how Humans do, that is, as savages, or at least barbarians, though some of them also might see some qualities in the stereotype of the ‘noble savage’. Not much is to be said about Beastkin, which are seen as nothing but dangerous beasts, or at best, in case of large ones, as potentially useful beasts, as hard labor force in mines or construction works.
How to play
Attempt to navigate the complex landscapes that each of the differing Dwarven lifestyles offer. Establish fortresses within caves and mountains to serve as bastions of Dwarven culture, trying to carve your niche and keep a fragile equilibrium squeezed in between Humans and Ilthir. Or raise encampments and establish a gang of criminals to serve as a black market liaison between the Surface and the Underworld. Or- fall in line with Humanity and serve The Empire, maybe going so far as to take a stand against other non-humans, and join the Imperial Army as Foederati- showing your people the errors of their ways.
Dwarves are stout and slightly more resilient than Humans; they have fair skin and often sport long, braided beards and long hair (see Table of racial characteristics)
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Height limits 126 to 153 cm
Authors: Rashan, Duran
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