Lands of Tyranny
Day 15 of The Dancers, Year 417
Imperial Army
General Description
The Imperial Army, called also but mainly in the past the Annorian Army, is the strongest army the world has ever seen.
Not a single force remaining in the world has any hope of defeating it in a pitched battle in open fields, and what many perhaps forget, is that the Empire has several Armies located in different parts of the Continent, each one equally unbeatable.
The army is composed mainly by infantry forces, the "Legions" but it is complemented by scouts units "Sagittari", cavalry "Black Thunders", and even peculiar priests of the Father"Hammers of Dawn", follows a very strict code and hierarchy, but is at the same time ruthless in applying its code and the Overlord rule, showing little mercy to its enemies, who once defeated are usually sent to the work camps, or in rare cases, given the choice to serve, or die.
Organization and Rules
The army, whose undisputed leader is the Emperor itself, follows a strict organization that goes as follows:
Legatus (Commands an Army / Legion)
Tribunus (Commands a Cohort (500 men)
Primus (Elected by the 10 Centurions as leader, responsible of the daily activities of the Cohort and the Camp)
Centurion (Commands a Unit (50 men)
Optio (Leads a Maniple (10 men)
Legionary (Soldier)
Auxiliari (Non-fighting members of the army, such as camp followers, workers, engineers, healers, priests, though the last three due to their profession are of course much more esteemed than a simple worker)
Foederati (Mercenary, or anything that fights with the banner of the empire but not officially part of the army)
Due to their role in society, women are less frequent than men in the ranks of the army, but they are accepted and welcomed nonetheless as any other citizen that can prove an unwavering loyalty, obedience, fitness and attitude to warfare.
The Army keeps small garrisons in pretty much every city, town and village of the Empire to mix with a more numerous local garrison, with the exception of the smallest and unimportant places, but their main forces usually remain outside in specific and well organized permanent or temporary camps.
The Legion always fights in tight infantry formations, where training, equipment and discipline together manage to overcome any obstacle and defeat any enemy. The single Legionary is usually outfitted with standard equipment of great quality depending on its role, for instance infantry gets heavy steel armor, swords, shields and two javelins for increased flexibility. Other roles also exist, but every single Legionary is trained to also fight in an infantry formation, as well as in forced marches and making / destroying camp with an almost scary efficiency: several of the enemies of the Empire were shocked and caught by surprise by entire camps and fortifications going up in any terrain in the matter of days, if not hours.
As any other 'official' position in the Empire, the army is made up only of humans, while non-humans can at best have some side role in units of Foederati.
The Army does not admit to entertaining relations with other races, although even if this is not publicly advertised, they do seldom employ 'reasonable' Greenskin tribes, Orcs in particular, as executioners of 'dirty jobs', using them as part of their divide-et-impera strategy, paying them to cause fear, or to raid and pillage specific targets.
Legionaries share the same rights as every other citizen of the Empire, and they can, if taken under the service of an Adjudicator, a Fatebinder or even a Centurion (should the former be missing), act as a force of military police. For this reason though, and as they represent the strength of the Empire, an offense against a Legionary would likely be taken as more serious than an offence against a common citizen.
Some specific everyday rules regulate the life of a Legionary:
​Curfew starts at sunset and every Legionary must be at Camp in the night, unless expressly given permission from a superior.
Drinking and entertaining with women during duty is forbidden. Legionaries represent the Empire and should be exemplary citizens.
Relations with members non-humans other than registered Elves and Dwarves living in human settlements are forbidden without explicit order from a superior.
Venturing in the Underdark or even the immediate vicinity of its accesses without explicit orders from a superior is forbidden.
Justice for members of the Army is always given by an Officer of superior rank, starting from Centurions. While Officers will often let themselves be counseled by Fatebinders or other members of the Tribunal, they have complete jurisdiction as well as responsibility over their soldiers. In the Tribunal, only Adjudicators are allowed to judge members of the Army.
The Army provides the equipment for all its soldiers, but at the same time, should a soldier retire, the equipment, still belonging to the Army, is to be handed back.
How to Play
You are a soldier of the Empire, protect its honor and its citizens, fight its enemies, external and internal
Follow strictly the Laws and make them be respected...or be secretly corrupt and bask in your position of strength and favor.
The everyday rules of legionaries can always be granted an exception by their superiors: these can be other players, if present, or you can RP having been sent in a place by a superior and being given exemption.
Each member of the Imperial Army can pick up extra weapons & armor at character creation.
Each member of the Imperial Army will receive a weekly stipend.
Officers (Centurions), but also Fatebinders and Inquisitors, can be granted an IC 'Escort Legionary' item, which represents superior numbers of the Legion. This item must be used together with a properly outfitted Thrall, and gives great bonuses to defense and escape.
Equipment & Dyes combination for Imperial Uniforms:
Author: Rashan