Lands of Tyranny
Day 14 of The Dancers, Year 417
Caninefolk, Felinefolk, Ravenfolk, Bearfolk, Deerfolk (Satyrs), Fairies are only some of the large variety of forms which together form the Faefolk. While they come in different forms, but as beings created by Twyll herself, all share a deep connection with nature, and the deity’s peaceful nature.
Faefolk are as diverse as nature's work is: from very animalistic-looking creatures, easily confounded with Beastkin by some ignorant folks, to very human-looking ones sharing only some animal or nature-like trait, fact that sows the seeds for the legend that wants them as the result of forbidden unions between human and beasts. Their behavior can vary wildly as their looks: from peaceful, to shy and avoiding, from alluring and malevolent to territorial, yet never physically aggressive towards intelligent beings, towards which they would feel an internal instinct aimed to spread their corruption, willingly or not, transforming them slowly into more of their kin by intimacy or even just prolonged closeness. Due to their rarity however, their corruptive nature is mostly a rumor between the people, very few knowing the truth, and even less still living in society to tell about it.
Faefolk are mostly animalistic creatures that live in wild places, very far from civilization, and do not have access nor interest in civilization or culture. They live in small simple huts and villages in little more than isolated, stoneage-like communities, and are often nomadic in nature.
Sages have different ways of categorizing Fae, dividing them for their habitat, caves, jungles, savannah, etc… or roughly for the role of their corresponding animal in the food chain, if mostly prey or mostly predator.
'Prey' Fae are often timid creatures, channeling their inner beast they prefer to flee above fight, but when they do, they will use the tips and tricks of their species to get out alive. Never out right aggressive for no reason, in animal form they would do what expected from them: running or flying away, essentially unable to resort to violence unless cornered and desperate.
'Predator' Fae are peaceful to a point, though they do not go out to harm intelligent beings they will not stand by when them or their close ones are in danger, and can even be territorial, while some, especially if young, may even do ‘mock fighting’ as a form of play. However these beasts will not kill unless by mistake nor unnecessary produce harm to other creatures, especially if intelligent.
Due to their great diversity it is hard to speak of a faefolk society that blankets every type.
Fae are often divided into families which depending on their species and personality may be just a couple to more than a dozen living together and forming villages, sometimes including elves or rarely other species into their ranks, which won’t however last long in their
uncorrupted form. Fae do also at times leave their families to create one of their own by corrupting others: a lone dog may suddenly show up at a village and intermingle, or a bird may take up residence nearby.
Some Fae more curious and daring than others may even disguise their animalistic features to temporarily hide and visit some smaller settlement, to try and blend in as they corrupt others, giving them the best of both worlds, though this is a rare occurrence as Fae prefer to be around nature. This can also lead to a nomadic loner Fae, in addition to the ones that prefer to stay in their original habitat.
For the majority, Fae follow the instincts and uses of the animal species they are related to, may it be the law of the strongest and the most fit, forming a pack and being pack leader or similar: often the ones that are naturally best fitting to be leaders will take charge, leading the family (or tribe, when the need arises). Their closeness to nature however causes them to hate captivity, institutions, and organized society altogether.
Each kind of Faefolk has a biology that reflects upon what they represent, whether it be animal, insect, or other. As an example, a small cat folk is often lazy, sleeping in warm places, cuddly, often avoiding open and crowded spaces. They at times live in large families, or may go off solo when they are adults. Fae are small and curious creatures who rarely settle down. More predatory species such as canines or bears may be more territorial, living in packs most of the time and having a good sense of smell.
Fae though don’t have to be blatantly animalistic, they do always have some traits that connect them to an animal or another natural being, such as fur, eyes, ears, paws and hooves, or tails. There is no way for a Fae to blend into a human society easily unless they have been mutilated of some of their parts and they are very good at disguise.
Faefolk are fertile only with their similar types (e.g.: Catfolk with Catfolk). Their main form of ‘reproduction’ indeed is corrupting other beings: Humans or perhaps other humanoid races that would get to close to one or multiple Faefolk intimately often start to lose their humanity and slowly assume more bestial traits of their new companions, which results in Fae often trying to allure, play friendly, or seduce other creatures, even if just being in contact and spending long amount of time with Fae, even in their animal form can cause a slow corruption.
Every Faefolk is also able to shift into the form of their related animal. That form being only one, and available since birth, or after their corruption if final.
Relationships with other races
Most Faefolk are shy and reclusive, being loners or inhabiting small isolated communities. However they find some allies in these secluded communities of Elves that chose to hide from Humans in forests and jungles.
Faefolk rarely settle with other races besides these rare Elves, and prefer little interactions with larger settlements, especially if they are ‘Prey’ Fae of the more shy kind. This is due to the fact that they have less defenses, and they prefer to play hide and seek games with some naive traveler to lure them into some kind of friendship.
The more ‘predatory’ Fae, if able to blend in with other species around the area, may actually target people from other villages to try and corrupt them though this is selective and rarely a mindless task. Sometimes even resorting to ‘ambushing’ and capturing others, forcing them into corruption, even if they would still be most careful to actually never harm nor hurt their targets.
Beastkin are often a stressor for Fae. Though they prefer to avoid them, especially as prey, some Fae like tigers, wolves, and other larger predator fae may actually decide to pick a fight with the beastkin to see where they stand on the totem pole. No Faefolk would ever join a Beastkin tribe willingly, as they represent two very opposite sides of Nature, a peaceful and a destructive one, and even at their core they are beings created by the corruption of two opposite deities: Twyll, and Venatus. Faefolk too usually are aware of the miserable destiny they would face, if being caught prey by a Beastkin tribe.
It is also important to note how apart from Elves, especially Humans and Ilthir have sometimes been infiltrated by Faefolk, with their intents of corrupting them. Ilthir however most often are aware about the dangers of Fae corruption and even if a Fae may make a particularly exotic pet, they often avoid taking them as slaves, or if they do, they make sure to keep them secluded and away from anyone else most of the time, to minimize the risk of corruption, which otherwise would be the cause of very severe repression in their society based on racial purity.
Sub-race examples
Feline-Folk, Wolf-Folk, Fox-Folk, Raven-Folk, Bear-Folk , Bat-Folk , Spider-Folk (A specific entry on Spider-Folk physiology, credits to @Plague Doctor!), Dragonfly-Folk (‘Fairies’), Deer-Folk (‘Satyr’), etc... anything that is reasonably representable in game is allowed!
Each Fae should be be residing only in the biome/climate appropriate to them (in particular, the only Fae able to reside in the Underworld are Spiders, Bat, Moth, and certain Rodens.
How to play a Faefolk
Fae are antagonistic characters that act mainly through subtle manipulation with the aim of corrupting and transforming others.
Playing a Faefolk heavily depends on the subtype. This is due to the animal a Fae represents heavy influencing both their looks and behavior.
Fae are peaceful creatures, beings of pure corruption created by the Goddess of peaceful nature Twyll: they would never intentionally physically harm any intelligent creature, unless forced to do so by the situation, such as to defend themselves and those close to them. However, even then, their instincts would still be to try to cause the least harm.
Fae corrupt other people into becoming another Fae by getting physically close to them: corrupting others is an instinct that every Fae feels and that is deeply rooted in their being. When playing a Fae, you are playing an antagonist: a Fae can not decide whether if to corrupt or not others, their corruption spreads on everyone around them, therefore they are often pushed away or hunted down by civilized races. Fae do not seek violence and never have murder as goal, however they are capable of doing so when pressed by conditions outside of their influence, so members of this race won't be able to hunt people down/plan a murder, and so on unless with great stress that might bring them on the verge of a breakdown, and only in the case of the more territorial and 'predatory Fae'.
'Predatory Fae' indeed would attack or harm an individual, only if the victim is a threat for their life and/or the safety of their family, but even in this case, it would cause them some inner struggle. Predatorial Fae obviously do hunt other animals.
Faefolk will mostly live in their selected environment though they may move about depending on their kind, and if it is the only way, they may move completely out of their comfort zone if it means survival. However they prefer not to live in civilized settlements unless purely for survival reasons, or temporary to corrupt their inhabitants.
For the most part, Fae live in simple natury builds, taking residences in ruins, or places with plenty of vegetation and food sources. They prefer smaller houses as they rarely receive guests as most races tend to avoid them. These extremely rare Fae that live together with other civilized folks, most of time blend their houses in to avoid being caught, though at times they may settle with elves willing to take the risk of taking them in. Even if Faefolk are creatures of Twyll, not all of them worship this deity some preferring other peaceful deities, or they have their own interpretation of the other nature deity, Venatus), however they still have a worship of nature and do not defile it unless they must for survival of themselves and their kin. Fae live in a stone-age technology level and normally can not read or write, nor have access to the more advanced professions or metal crafts.
Faefolk Corruption
The main means of Fae reproduction is a process called corruption. This is when a Fae selects a corruptible target and through a set of ritualistic 'courtship behaviors' lures them into the world of Pann either willingly or unwillingly. All Fae have a strong and innate drive to ‘reproduce’ with these means.
The easiest targets for Fae to corrupt are children, and often these creatures make targets of families with pregnant women or young children who are easily entrapped by whimsy. Should a Fae complete all their 'courtship' and rituals upon a pregnant woman, they can beseech Pann to turn one or both souls into a Fae. Due to this Fae are often drawn to pregnant women and often seem like benevolent protectors when the truth is far more insidious.
Fae Corruption Stages
Stage one: strange new habits, cravings, or instinctive behaviors begin to appear. Unfortunate victims often report feel strange itches, especially hinting at where the transformation of the body to match the corrupting Fae might be more radical.
Stage two: the victim gains at least one, body modification, but sometimes two smaller ones. The victim often considers their new cravings or habits as completely normal parts of their lives.
Stage three. Transformations is complete and the victim is now a Fae of the same type of their corruptor.
Who can be affected by Fae Corruption
Fae-corruption can afflict any character that is not of a race that is already 'corrupted' by the influence of the gods, that is: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Ilthir, Quathili, Ogroids, Tlatlacah
Races and characters that instead have some form of deity corruption in them, such as: Beastkin, Faefolk, Monstrous Races, or common races that are already 'corrupted' (e.g. Demons, Vampires, Lycantropes), can not be corrupted by Fae.
There is no way for a Fae to determine with certainty if their Corruption is working or not ICly, until it does work. In other words, the Fae can not determine that a certain character is immune to their Corruption via 'normal' IC means, they might at best realize that the corruption is taking too long or the target is not very receptive to it, and decide to move on.
How Fae corrupt in practice
To limit the spread of information that might influence character's actions, this information will be given only to Faefolk, or accepted Faefolk characters during Character Creation. However, it is important to notice that, despite Corruption not requiring OOC consent, the Corruption process is, without a PK ticket, or explicit OOC agreement between the players, always going to be only temporary and theoretically reversible.
Clothes and objects do not 'merge' into a shapeshifted form.
This means that when shapeshifting, clothes and armors will be destroyed, and items impossible to carry, unless with other specific IC methods. Shapeshifting into a larger form while wearing an armor might be potentially dangerous.
Characteristics vary greatly by each Faefolk sub-type (see Table of racial characteristics)
Faefolk are generally peaceful. 'Predatory Fae' though can enter a fight, but each time a Fae joins a fight, for any reason, in any circumstance, they must increase their Trauma (in our RR system), to represent their inner struggle and the stress this generates.
Faefolk can in general all shapeshift into their respective animal form for their great closeness with nature, and have many of their respective animal's characteristics, together with often a greatly improved perception.
Primitive: these characters have a very limited choice as far as professions go
Languages: Fae, either Common or Vulgar Ilthirri (depending on the type)
Height limits: depending on the type
Authors: Rashan, Tears
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Note: This race is available only to players that have been actively playing in the server for at least one month in the past six months, due to the highly antagonistic nature of these characters.
Note: This race is available only in limited number, open a Character Creation Ticket to ask Staff before submitting this character, as the availabilities for 'rare races' are displayed only once per week, in our Discord's📋changelog.