Lands of Tyranny

Day 21 of The Centaur, Year 417
Light Demon
“Known as Angels to the Annorians, Seraphim to the Messalyans and Khemani, Valkyries to the Nordlings, Tennin to the Hymani and Demons of The New Gods to the non-humans. The Archon’s are the will of The Three made manifest. The Archon’s will is that of the Empire, and it is the Empire’s will that is their own.” - Arch-Bishop Ockham
Archons pursue the charge of the divinity of The Three. - They seek to follow the ideals of The Three perfectly. Be it in the service of The Father, and spreading Imperial Justice. Be it in the service of The Son, and spreading Imperial Dominion. Or be it in the service of The Mother, to keep the peace and the preservation of the ideal family.
Regardless of the deity that constitutes their ‘main attunement’, they often tend to seek to create a cult of worship around them. Each convincing those humans who fall under their influence to devote their entire being to The Empire and their Archon.

As Light Demons age they become more in-control of their emotions, at times making them seem emotionless. Once they have become a full-fledged Archon they are more calculating and deliberate in their actions. The lack of empathy and remorse they end-up feeling does not mean they are without emotion, or are unable to show it. Rather it is held more privately as they try to maintain the astuteness of the perfect citizen. They would not even partake in sinful act with a woman that was not their wife, nor would they force themselves onto someone in that way. Some people may even manage to befriend one, sharing drinks, adventures and stories with them, however the Light Demon will never truly value such a friendship more than The Empire and its will.

They are perfectly able to convincingly feign outburst and a range of emotions in order to achieve their own goals and that of The Empire.
In spite of their lack of emotional state, the Light Demons tend to be extremely charismatic. They most often have an aura that radiates around them of calmness and often speak with a gentle understanding. Those who encounter the demons could be easily convinced they are the most caring and empathetic beings. The worship of Angels, paired with their ability to emotionally manipulate, usually see them gather followers. These people hang on every word and are eager to do anything for the demon, including sacrificing their life.

They will at times, usually later in life, take up the duty of maintaining a family and raising children for The Empire. If they do have a family they will put the virtues of The Three at the forefront of consideration. While some will never have children unless they meet someone they consider worthy of their children, others will be more eager to fulfil their own duty to have children and will be less picky. However they will always seek partners that uphold unwavering loyalty to The Empire and The Three.
Beyond this the Light Demons are ardent proselytisers, seeking to convert populations to The Three in spite of the Old Gods. Failing this they will become zealous enforcers of imperial religious law and seek to subdue or eliminate sinners where they can find them. Manifestations of heresy, such as demons are seen by the Light Demons as something to be eradicated, knowing full well their demonic urges threaten the Empire’s integrity and stability.
Archons take pride in being seen as symbols of Imperial Mercy, often offering criminals or heretics, or tainted creatures hope if they submit to the Law or the Inquisition, even if this is often just appearance, or at least, what happens after, is for the Tribunal to decide.
The Light Demons are idealised by imperial citizens, they are incorruptible, endlessly loyal to The Empire, fearless; strong of body and mind.
Light Demons are beings of seemingly eternal beauty and youth. Their heads are adorned with white horns and a halo. Their skins emanate a soft white glow while their eyes naturally glow with colours of blue, gold or white. Their backs always have upon them wings of brilliant white or the more rare ominous black feathers.
Different to all other demons, the Light Demon is unable to hide its true form the day they are born. And they unabashedly flaunt their divinity in mockery of all creatures and beasts that must veil themselves in fear of the Empire.
Light Demons are almost always donned in battle dress, often using high quality but practical armour and weapons. They continue to maintain this martial tradition even into their older and more family orientated twilight years.

How to Play: Light Demon
Act in the best interests of the Empire.
Uphold Imperial Law.
Convert the human unbelievers to The Three.
Form a zealous cult to further the aims of the Empire.
Emulate positive traits expected of Imperial citizens.
The core being of a Light Demon is engrained with The Empire’s laws and needs. They do not need to study The Empire's laws, to have a strong moral need to see the same enforced. Their moral core is already that of The Empire even if they were to grow up far away from The Empire’s influence, and their demonic urge to follow and have others follow these laws.
Light Demons do not feel sexual urges past the will to procreate

Rumors: Light Demon
Most commoners rarely ever see an Archon, and even less so up close. Due to their rarity many believe they exist only in legend.
Within legend, and among the demons themselves. They believe that their offspring are blessed humans and revered with a fraction of the reverence of the demon itself.
See Demons for general details about Demons, their mechanics, origins and history.
FAQ: Light Demon
Can Light Demons experience emotions? Yes. Even if their emotions are controlled and calm, never overwhelming. Further, they experience some emotions innately, such as finding fulfilment in their duties towards The Three, including family duties in the rare circumstance they find someone worthy, and joy in being exemplary to all humankind.
(Continued: Can Light Demons be made to lewd with Aphrodisiacs or a Blood Demon's powers?) Short answer: No. But it's a bit more complicated. If the LD would have a wife/husband, they would likely feel the strong need to go to them to start a pregnancy, perhaps even borderline forcing them to. If they -do not- have a wife/husband, they would still feel a much, much smaller urge, but something they can not explain, nor be willing to satisfy, since it would still go against an urge that is rooted much deeper into them, the urge of respecting the laws of the Empire and the will of the gods. Perhaps if the aphrodisiac was really strong, they would attempt to marry anyone available, even forcefully so, and then have sex with them with the purpose of starting a pregnancy.
What Authority do Light Demons have? Light Demons paradoxically have a high-level of authority and none at the same time, they are considered even more highly than nobles, but would still adhere to the will of any officer of the Empire of a higher rank than theirs, as well as to any Adjudicator as though they were utterances of The Emperor. After all, order and a clear line of command and hierarchy are paramount for the well functioning of the Empire, and Archons are to lead by example.
They are typically attached to places, units or people where they often lend their aid with the goals of the Empire being at the forefront of consideration. However, their loyalty to the Empire is beyond doubt, and to raise a weapon against one is an act of treason.
How does one make a cult as a Light Demon? This is done through IC means. There is no specific mechanic to elaborate this function. Characters need to choose to serve the demon, and the demon needs to make use of them.
What else can Light Demons do other than be attached to the Tribunal/Inquisition/Nobility?
Light Demons are not required to be attached to any current imperial Hub (e.g. Meridium) or any other clan in the game world. So long as what they are doing conforms with the loyalty towards the Empire, with the needs of the Empire being put above all else, and are not intentionally putting themselves at such risk to be a prized reward for the enemies of the Empire.
How should I react to a Light Demon? How you react to one would depend on your level of faith in The Three. The more devout the character, the more reverence for the Archons you would have. Those who are of low faith, but staunch Imperials would otherwise be highly respectful towards them. It would be normal to be both respectful and fearful of them even as a devout of The Three.
What does Inner Light do? It’s a free torch. Meaning that you do not auto-lose your rolls in darkness like you would without one. At the same time, you automatically fail to hide in darkness conditions unless you have clear ways to hide the light you naturally emit, and you can be spotted from great distances, in the darkness therefore being very easily avoided by those that would want to avoid an encounter.
(Keep in mind that though a player can stop to emote to respect the RP-avoidance rules, they can simply emote that their character went away and avoided the encounter, as soon as they spotted a light in the darkness, be it from a mile afar or coming from a corridor, according to the conditions)
Possible Gods: Jehvoss, Valthos, Minerva
Personality Traits: Chaste, Righteous, Duty driven, follows laws to a fault, military discipline
Physical Characteristics: Usually pale skin, usually beautiful
Demonic Urges: Urge to fulfil duty and follow the laws of the empire. Also great urges to create cults and followerships around them.
Special: Light Demons can not hide their true form
Light Demons have wings they can use to fly around
Illuminated: Light Demons have a constant aura of light around them, that they can not turn off. This makes stealth against anyone who is not blind impossible for them (Automatically fail any stealth role against any target that is not blind)
Other Weaknesses: Demons are asked to pick 2 out of a small list of weaknesses and must specify them at character creation. This list is private for metagaming reasons and will be shown to players during Character Creation.
Heal I, Heal II, Heal III, Protection I, Blinding Light
Note: This race is for a restricted number of characters, before submitting a character, check for availability by opening a Character Creation Ticket.
Note: Demons are High Risk characters. They may be killed more easily given their nature by certain other characters and races (e.g. by the Inquisition). Opening a ticket before a possible death however is still mandatory.
Authors: Maya, Hokan, Rashan