Lands of Tyranny
Day 15 of The Dancers, Year 417
The true origin of changelings is shrouded in mystery, written records failed to document it, however oral tradition of various peoples mention creatures we can associate with changelings. There are two main sources of these stories.
A story told among the Eeypai tribes and islanders, it was long ago when the Eeypai of the Wakatika archipelago have chosen a chieftain amongst themselves, to rule it all, a man by the name of Tilakeewa of the Pearl Tribe. He wasn’t the only chieftain, though. Other islands were held by chieftains who submitted to him only in word. With the islands united, Tilakeewa held a great feast where he married his beloved Taliha, a woman of great talent and beauty and the daughter of a rival chieftain.
On the night of the feast, somehow Taliha was poisoned. She spent hours in agony next to the medicine men of the Pearl tribe and Tilakeewa but they couldn’t save her, in the middle of the night, she passed away.
The chieftain brought her body to the sea, weeping for his lost love and the future they promised each other. Some say Taliha was with child at that point. Sensing his great pain, Calipha herself emerged from the sea, meeting the chieftain, who described her as an otherworldly woman with enchanting beauty. The two spent the night together and the chieftain was a changed man the next day. Some stories say he was blessed by Calipha, others that Calipha stole his love for his dead lover, envious of a love greater than what she was given.
Whichever the case, months later Calipha visited the chieftain again, bearing a child born of his seed and born of the sea. The child was said to have skin like quicksilver and the ability to bend their appearance at will.
Tilakeewa’s conquest of the isles and the rise of the Pearl Tribe lasted a few short years. His child was not always recognized as Calipha’s, he was accused of insulting the spirit of his late wife and conspiring to see her dead, using poison and trickery so that none could think it was him behind the murder, a warrior and leader fit to kill men with clubs. The remaining chieftains led an uprising which ultimately led to the deposition of Tilakeewa and his death.. Yet his child, they did not manage to find. Not found within their hut, or anywhere in the islands, Tilakeewa’s blood dried up and was never seen again. Some whisper that during a time of great strife of the Eeypai, the Child will appear again in its adulthood, to deliver them from a great evil.
1) The Child of the Sea
2) Embraced by the Dark
In an ancient time before the Empire and the New Gods, reigned a countess of the heartlands, of a region shrouded in mystery. She had everything one could want in life: wealth like few else, the power to command men, respect and at times, fear from both peers and lowborn people. But the rules of society and the duty of her role kept the countess on a leash similar to how the serfs worked for her. She longed for simple things: being able to elope with no one to watch, to not be recognized easily by the influential or villagers, to not be pressured by feudalism and matters of succession. After sundown, she met hooded men of devious professions, cultists of arts unheard of, people whose name should not be uttered. It was noticed by the court but not on time for them to stop plans put into motion.
Weeks later, watchmen already guarded every other corner, if not to keep away occultists, then to spy on the countess’ matters. They too, talked of how a terrible smoke filled the countess’ chambers, powered through her windows, filled the streets. But it arrived without fire. The guards got there to witness saw broken vials, shattered bowls and alchemical ingredients - and a strange woman escaping through the roof. Her hair, black as ink, her skin, dark like a plum and eyes: red like rubies.
No one ever saw the countess after that, though rumors did circulate about her whereabouts: once, a villager saw her garbed like a peasant, tending to the land. Another time, decades later - a venerable nobleman saw her at a funeral rite. Once a prospector also claimed to have seen blood red eyes and a waifish woman living in a cave, whose appearance could be largely matched to the creature that escaped the smoke that night.
Though nothing came of a search for the countess, her handwritten notes partially survived. Therein, her greatest desire was expressed: with the help of occult arts, she worked on her magnum opus, a great transgression: some ailment which would help her become more.. To be pauper and princess, to love man and woman, to delve into the forbidden and lawful.
She was declared dead and her domain, her name, bloodline - nothing survived, but telltale stories.
Appearance & Behavior
Changelings are born anywhere in the world- the exact way they multiply is not understood by scholars, but their adaptability means they often lead normal lives, have normal struggles and with that, they can worship any faith.
There is no set appearance changelings can be given, the few who are aware of their existence describe them as creatures mimicking other races at a perfect level - as such, any humanoid could be a changeling. The lord of the barony, the baker one visits - anyone.
What sets them apart among others is an extreme need for secrecy: few if any societies tolerate their ability, which has few checks and at the same time, is fit to trample the rich, master schemes at court and threaten the powerful in general. Especially with the advent of the New Gods, the Inquisition is more than willing to hunt and exterminate any changelings. Their ability is also considered the very antithesis of Arachnea in the depths of the Ilthir, as such they are pursued with a similar zeal in society above and below ground.
Possible Patron Gods: Calipha, Umbra
Possible starting Faith: Any
While changelings do not necessarily worship Calipha or Umbra, should they spot signs of their worship, they feel an innate connection to the goddesses. Something they can embrace or reject.
Secret Cults
The few fortunate changelings who receive guidance and get to meet other changelings often wind up as part of one of two secret cults. These are detailed below.
Wherever there are changelings and Eeypai both, the Seaborn organize themselves into a council of equals, preferring to discuss and vote on matters in their secret meetings, rather than establish a chain of command. Often they involve the most trusted Eeypai, chieftains, shamans, medicine men, though they try to do so without compromising themselves.
The Seaborn
The seaborn are a group of changelings in service of Calipha and the Eeypai. Their goals revolve around honoring the traditions of Calipha, keeping the Eeypai safe from the Empire, beastkins - any threat. Their long term goal is to establish an Eeypai led hegemony.
Seaborn changelings always have an Eeypai human form, but otherwise they give themselves few restrictions.
Puppeteers in Purple
The Puppeteers are a secret society of changelings loyal to Umbra. Most often, they delegate talented members to regions of the Underdark and the overworld with the specific goal of infiltrating and overtaking influential positions in an attempt to create a shadow government which can safeguard the worshippers of Umbra - as such, the society rests on religious grounds and often hosts zealots of the faith. They further claim to be the true descendants of the goddess, said to possess all heritage of their elusive race.
Their hideouts are always in the Underdark and the members always possess an ilthir form, since the caverns of the Underdark offer them both safety and secrecy.
Their name comes from their ceremonial robes, which are most often purple - a sign of wealth and royalty among the human nobility and a mockery of their traditions below their world.
The Puppeteers consist solely of changelings and operate with three known ranks:
The Architect - Leader of all Puppeteers
High Puppeteer - Leader of Puppeteers within a region (e.g. Black Dome)
Agent of Strings - A changeling agent in service of the Puppeteers
Shapeshifting is the main active ability changelings possess and it is quite powerful.
Changelings possess a total of three forms. Each form is a combination of race and sex (eg. female human, female orc, male orc would be a total of three forms) and each form is tied to its own looks, decided on the first shapeshift into the respective form. While being able to keep three of these, changelings can gain a new form by ingesting the genes of their target. Changelings can NEVER fully copy someone, but can find eerily similar shapes and forms. When a new form is gained, the oldest is lost - as such, a changeling has to keep careful track of the forms they put to use.
Each form is a perfect replica, which means that in general they are indistinguishable from other members of their race.
The basic list of races every changeling can assume is: human, elf, ilthir, dwarf, orc, goblin, tlatlacah, quathili.
For more in-depth rules on shapeshifting, changelings receive a Shapeshifting FAQ.
Other than shapeshifting, changelings have access to the Read Emotions spell.
Changelings possess a few passive abilities - their body regenerates at an increased pace, which means they are capable of mending scars on their own. Their lifestyle also provides several skill boosts:
All changelings receive +2 to Disguise, Deception & Bluff, Persuasion; +3 to HP regeneration.
They are immune to Fae corruption.
How to Play: Changelings
Infiltrate whatever society you can - preferably as many as you can! Your forms will allow you to walk the Underdark and the world above, fit into civilized and less civilized societies and give you the perfect role to not only blend into the world at large, but become the perfect spy, informant or schemer.
Pursue your personal desires, become the people you envy, deceive your enemies at will.
Watch where you go, since your tracks are still visible, regardless of form…
Changelings do not spread rumors. They create them.
Note: This race is for a restricted number of characters, before submitting a character, check for availability by opening a Character Creation Ticket.
Author: Syn